Offering Visionary Leadership Training - Healing, Optimism, Purpose, Evolution

Knowing Self - The Path to Visionary Leadership

Historic Webinar Recording

In this 4-hour teaching webinar Sal Gencarelle will present about a critical aspect of being a Visionary Leader - Knowing Oneself. 


A webinar all about how to better know oneself, a critical aspect of Visionary Leadership. To work with the Powers of Creation one must have a clear self-image.


To work with the Powers of Creation is to work with Vision. To be a leader, one must have deep concern for others. The union of nature connection, people connection, self awareness and connection to the Unseen powers of life is the path of the Visionary Leader. 

To have a clear self-image is a critical aspect of being a Visionary Leader. The great Lakota Medicine Man Fools Crow spoke of this best when he explained he was able to handle the self-sacrifice of being a holy person because he possessed “a clear self image.” Fools Crow said that the more humble and unselfish a person is, the more willing the Great Mystery and his helpers of the four directions are willing to work through them. “The cleaner the bone, the more water you can pour through it, and the faster it will run.”

Join us for this 4-hour webinar and learn teachings that help to create Visionary Leaders. The teachings will focus on was to 'map' and understand oneself in a clearer way, how to be more congruently aligned to your life's purpose, how to be aware of un-resourceful patterns, and much more. 

Additional Topics: 

  • Lineage teachings on what is Visionary Leader 
  • The power of Vision
  • Working with the Powers of Creation
  • The "North Star" teaching
  • Mapping beliefs 
  • Rules of relationship
  • The purpose of the "dark night of the soul" 
  • Releasing resistance and finding congruency

After purchase you will be sent a email with a link to Dropbox where you can access the recording of the webinar


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