Offering Visionary Leadership Training - Healing, Optimism, Purpose, Evolution

What is Prayer? - Webinar Course Bundle


Buy the webinar bundles and Save over 50% on purchasing them individually. 

Cost of purchasing individually - $230.00 USD

Buy the Bundle for Just $105.00 USD



 Calling Out to Creation in a Prayerful Way Creates Movement 


This webinar course bundle gives you access to multiple webinars that explore and explain the concept of prayer and offer practices and rituals to help you create a prayerful state within you that keeps the living connection as a way of life.


The concept of prayer within modern societies has been misunderstood for centuries and has become largely ineffective. Making a better alignment to the art of prayerful connection will support humanity through the coming times.

Prayer is a relationship and needs to be approached this way to become an efficacious form of creating change and healing in the world. 


Through this webinar course bundle, you can learn to realign yourself to the fullest connection of what prayer is. It is though this type of prayer you can access aspects of the supportive aspects of creation.
Learning the basis of all spiritual communication can create alignments where real change and healing can occur almost instantaneously. 

The historic webinar recordings are available to download and store, so you can have them for reference whenever needed.


What's included in the What is Prayer? - Webinar Course Bundle:


Access to historic webinar recordings with support in creating a prayerful state of being and how to realign to a more indigenous form of prayer. 

  • What is Prayer?
  • Heart and Mind Connection the Basis of Communication with the Unseen
  • What is Prayer - Part One - How to Pray
  • What is Prayer - Part Two - Perceiving the Response
  • What is Prayer - Part Three - Living the Prayer Working with Prayer -
  • Formal Prayer Structures as a Guide


This 6-webinar course bundle will offer teachings and practices to support the connection towards being in a 'prayerful' state of being and how to enrich this process to a more effective form. These webinar course bundles are designed to be informative around the practices and processes that help this connection to take place, and they work best when supported by in-person events, connection practices and ceremony.

    • After purchase, you will be sent an email with links to Dropbox, where you can access the recordings of the webinars for this course.


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